两个国家人口对比的英文文章China and

China and India is the two most populated country of the world. China is the most populated country with approximately 1.39 billion people in 2014. India is second most populated country with approximately 1.27 billion people in 2014. China and India together account for 36.41% of total world population 7,243,784,121. Among Asian countries combine share of both country is 61.07%.
In 2014, population of China is 126 million more than India. Due to higher population growth of India, population difference between these two country is coming down quickly. And in 2028, India will be the world most populated country of world with approximately 1.45 billion people. Population of China and India will decline after 2031 and 2064, respectively.
in 1950, population of China was 543 million. While, population of India was 376 million. China crossed one billion mark in 1982 and India in 1998. By 2033, India will cross the 1.5 billion mark.
Both country have lower female population compare to male. According to world bank 2013, Female population sharing of India is slightly greater than China. Female account for 48.29% of total India's population. For China this figure is 48.17%. In the list of 193 countries, India is at 185th place and China is at 186th place.
Population growth (2013) of India is 1.2% while Population growth of China is 0.5%. Fertility rate (2012) of India is 2.5 and of China is 1.7.
Population density of India is 367 person per square km compare to 142 of China. So, India is 2.58 times more dense than China. China is 4th and India is 7th largest country in terms of area.
In Table, data after year 2010 is projection using Medium fertility variant.




2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

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