
A:厦门供应商ABC公司的业务员 Jason
B: 英国老客户 Mark
A: Hello, may I speak to Mark please? 您好,请问Mark在吗?
C: Who is calling? 您是哪位?
A: This is Jason from ABC company in Xiamen China, we are your supplier.我是中国厦门ABC公司的Jason,我们是您的供应商。
C: Ah, ABC company, hold on, please. I'll put you through. 哦,ABC公司,请等一下,我来给你接入。
B: Hi, Jason. 您好,Jason
A: Hi Mark, How are you? 您好,Mark,您好吗?
B: Good, how about you? 好呀,您呢?
A: Well, I'm doing great,but just miss you so much. 额。。好是好,就是挺想你的。
B: Haha, me too. 哈哈。。我也是,兄弟
A: What's the weather like in your local?你那边的天气怎样?
B: It’s rainy.在下雨呢。
A: Xiamen is very hot today, but it's also rainy now.厦门今天很热,但是现在下了一点小雨。
B: Yes, it’s cool after rain. 是啊,下雨过后天气会凉爽些。
A: Mark, did you receive the goods? everything is OK?你收到货了么?
B: Yes, everything is fine. 是的,一切顺利。
A: That's great! How is it selling?太棒了,卖的怎样?
B: CU116 sells quite well, it has a very good market here.CU116 卖得相当不错,它在这里有很好的市场。
A: That's great, what about CU123, it is also hot item in UK.太棒了,CU123呢?它也是英国非常热销的产品。
B: Just so so, it’s not as hot as CU116.一般般吧,不如CU116热销。
A: Do you need some high resolution pictures? I will send to you by Email, it can help to show your customers more clearly.
B: Yes, that would be fine. We plan to take some video.是的,那很好,我们还打算拍一些录像。
A: It’s also a great way. We also have video here, I will send to you together.那也是很好的方式,我们这里也有录像,我会一起发给你。
B: Thank you. 谢谢啦。
A: Are you going to attend local Exhibition?你会参加你们当地的展会么?
B: Yes, Exhibition will be in August, and we plan to make more advertisement. 会的, 展会在8月份,我们打算多投放些广告。
A: So generally when do your customers need goods?那么一般来讲你客户什么时候需要货?
B: Most of them need the goods in the end of November. 大部分客户是在11月底需要货。
A: For Christmas, right?圣诞节,对么?
B: Yes, that's right. 是的,没错。
A: Mark, this month we have a new design for new model.
If you need sample, I can send you the sample.
B: That’s great.太好了。
A: Well,If you need me, I always right here.额。。如果你需要我,我一直都在。
B: Thank you Jason. You are so nice, always.谢谢你,Jason, 你这么体贴,总是如此。
A: Haha! I'm so happy to hear that, Mark, thank you. 哈哈,我很开心听你这么说, 谢谢 Mark
B: My pleasure, Jason 我的荣幸,兄弟
A: Have a nice day, Mark, Bye. Mark,祝您度过愉快的一天,再见
B: Bye. 再见



2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

2018波兰纺织展 International textile fair

sux2:2018波兰纺织展International textile fair波兰面料展, 波兰纺织品展, 波兰服...



